Wednesday, January 5, 2011

no big deal.


rylie took her very first steps
all by herself.

no big deal, right?

i was getting ready to go shopping &&
i sat down to see her for a little when all
of the sudden she took five whole steps!
i started hollaring for daniel to hurry && get
the camera{{his phone}} && how does he respond...
"hold on let me blow my nose."

really daniel?? really?
of course your stinkin runny nose is way more
important than rylie's FIRST STEPS.
haha typical daniel.
we are just amazed at her over acheiving
ways already :) all we wanted was for her
to be able to walk by her birthday, in march,
&& it looks like she might even be running
by then! that's my girl.

in other exciting news a challenge has begun
in this house.

a weightloss/ get healthy challenge!
finally we committed to what we knew we needed
to do a long time ago. not only because being fat,
not just chunky anymore, was so annoying but because
rylie deserves to grow up with healthy parents.
it wouldn't be fair for her to have to struggle with
weight && eating later on in life when it's so easy
to stop it all now.
i hate that word.
nobody wants to be on a diet. few can really honestly
follow it. even fewer are actually happy following it.
so instead of a diet, we decided to just make smarter
decisions about what we put in our mouth.
eat whatever we want but remember portion control!
plus we have the your shape video game for our wii

&& we are always trying to out do each other. 
which motivates me to get off my booty to work out.
we end our workouts literally drenched in sweat so
i'd say it's working!! i hope. haha