Tuesday, February 1, 2011


"Dream as if you have forever.
Live as if you only have today."
James Dean

dreams are the limitless imagination of all hopes && wants mixed together. I'm constantly creating new ones && adding to old ones. they comfort me && make me hopeful for the future, forcing me to realize everyday is so precious. thinking about the possibilities of making all these dreams reality can leave me feeling anxiety && complete bliss in the same thought.
what if i cant make it happen??
what if there's just not enough time??
why didn't i do something today to get me that much closer??
but everything is possible. dreams really do come true.
if i make it possible, if i make it come true.
i think of myself standing there in my vision smiling while the "camera" pans out && my arms are out to my sides just soaking up the sun (there's sun in just about every fantasy of mine) without a care in the world. the background being vivid && ideal to that specific dream.

here's a list of these dreams, at least the ones i can think of. maybe i can come up with some sort of organization for my brain. to see what can be achieved first && what can stay just a dream. here goes.

some dreams are as simple as a perfectly organized closet.

 to living in far away lands, like South Africa. spending days exploring the terrain, soaking up sun on the beaches, && completely emerging myself in their culture.

&& then my favorite, wanting to live in the south, maybe Georgia or Tennessee, in a house with a big porch that wraps around my white house. in the evening daniel && i will sip sweet tea while rylie && our other future children run and play on the tire swing from the giant tree in the front yard.

 i definately have more, but right now Safe Haven by Nicholas Sparks is calling my Name

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