Wednesday, March 16, 2011

a cleaning challenge.

sometimes i almost wish i had ocd. just a slight one that is. very slight.
the reason being that i wish i could be less of a bum.
i really want to be a super super cleaner, all the time not just SOME of the time.

occasionally i'll get into these crazy cleaning moods.

however occasionally just isnt cutting it. lets be real here in a messy room theres always that slight stress, that feeling that you just cant completely relax. with my schedule i need every little time to myself to just relax.

lately ive been getting better. i finally after 20 1/2 years of life learned that if you make yourself start something, just make yourself get up off the couch, its so much easier to keep going. if i make myself get up to clean this, sanitize that or pick up a room i want to keep going.

when i said bum i meant ever since i could remember i was, well, lazy. i knew i needed to finish my homework, clean my room, && do my chore. rarely did those get accomplished all together. i just dont have enough self motivation. thats why i didnt succeed the way i could have in school.

well its time to become the person i want. to finish things i start. && to prove to myself i can accomplish things. no matter how big or how small. i'll challenge myself to many little tasks && hopefully by the end i'll be a new momma!

here's a list:
follow the chore chart.
keep up with the laundry.
workout at least 3x a week.
no more late night snacking.
complete a quilt.
complete an article of clothing for me.
complete an article of clothing for rylie.
vacum as much a possible.
dishes at least once a day.
keep car cleaned out.
find more baby friendly cleaning ideas.

thats enough...for now.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

picnics && party planning

yesterday's weather was AUH-MAZ-ING!
a cheerio picnic was in order.

since daniel works at sams club, he sees many things that haven't sold go on super dooper sale.
things he brought home so far include 50 bars of dove men soap, 10 bottles of dove men body wash, backpack with axe products inside, crest tooth care kits && today glade candles.
96 candles to be exact. what am i going to with 96 winter edition candles?? daniel has the brilliant idea to put one in goody bags for rylie's party. genius! they were 93 cents per 4 pack. im thinking vanilla && cinnamon apple will be the only acceptable scents...but i might throw a few green & purple in. ill definitely have to wrap either ribbon or paper around them to incorporate our theme. which is sunflowers && lady bugs. with a hint of stripes && polka dots.

here's the invite i made.

i picked this stuff up at target, each thing was about a dollar. i <3 the dollar section && clearance.

there's still so much to make, i just hope my vision && ideas come out the way i want.  i dont want a matchy matchy cartoony birthday. i want it to be half as fabulous as all the wonderfully gorgeous party i see all over blogosphere!

oh yeah && another thing, i need to get back into working on being healthier... my sister has caught up to me!!